Review Class & Test Schedule
Update and Action in regard to COVID-19
Our green industry is and always has been personable. Our employees work shoulder to shoulder and nursery and landscape company leaders also work hand in hand to move the business forward. Right now, our traditional handshakes or a hug may be replaced with a nod, smile or elbow bump!
The rapidly evolving impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is being felt across the globe and, of course, here in Virginia. Everyone is taking action to keep everyone’s health and safety a top priority and mitigate exposure and spread.
Given the current circumstances, the VNLA decided to postpone all of its upcoming Virginia Certified Horticulturist (VCH) exams. As soon as appropriate, the VCH exams will be rescheduled. Thank you all for your understanding and patience.
The VNLA values your membership and appreciates your understanding and support for each other and the actions we are all taking to keep everyone safe and healthy.
2020Â Virginia Certified Horticulturist (VCH) exams
Click here to register for the VCH exam. We are not currently accepting registrations. Exam dates and locations are full.
Virginia Certified Horticulturist (VCH) review class contact information:
Central Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association (CVNLA)
Greta Hoyt
PO Box 28525
Henrico, VA 23228
Northern Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association (NVNLA)
PO Box 2155
Centreville, VA 20122
Online review materials
Access to online review materials is a VNLA member-only benefit. To access the online study materials, contact the VNLA via email:
Landscape Design
Replacement Chapter 16, Conservation Landscaping through Water Quality Best Management Practices
Plant ID list that are randomly selected for the exam
Thank you for reading!