Advocacy & Resources Irrigation Water Quality for Sustainable Green Industry

Irrigation Water Quality for Sustainable Green Industry

(Above) Dr. Ping Kong investigating how dissolved oxygen in water may affect Phytophthora survival.

Integrated Management of Zoosporic Pathogens and Irrigation Water Quality for a Sustainable Green Industry
Non-Technical Summary

This SREP project addresses three SCRI focus areas and aims to improve and maintain the health of nursery and floral crops from the time of production to delivery to the consumer, to protect water quality and to increase water use efficiency by the green industry.

The ultimate goals are to move horticultural production and distribution towards greater sustainability and enable nurseries and greenhouses to better compete in global markets.

Supporting objectives are to:

  1. Characterize zoosporic pathogens found in irrigation systems and assess their potential impact on ornamental crop health
  2. Understand water quality dynamics, develop guidelines to assist irrigation managers in improving crop quality and productivity, and assess the environmental benefits of increased water recycling practices
  3. Significantly increase the understanding of the aquatic biology of Phytophthora and Pythium species and develop protocols for risk assessment and mitigation of these pathogens in irrigation systems
  4. Identify and enhance naturally-occurring pathogen-suppressing microbes in reservoirs
  5. Assess the changes in production costs and revenue enhancements when the resultant knowledge and technologies are implemented as best management practices (BMPs)
  6. Develop and use an online knowledge center to deliver information and education programs and facilitate BMP implementation

This project will increase the profitability and sustainability of the green industry, enhance the aesthetic value of recreational parks and landscapes, and improve consumer satisfaction with the plants they purchase. It will reduce the risk of dissemination of quarantine pathogens (e.g., Phytophthora ramorum) through trade of ornamental plant stocks. These benefits will extend to other specialty crop producers facing similar crop health and water.

All webinar recordings have been moved to the project outreach website for permanent housing.

Click here for a complete copy of this report (3mb PDF file)

Click here for a link to the SCRI project out reach website at
FINAL REPORT SCRI Project (Agreement #: 2010-51181-21140) (10/27/15
Dr. Chuan Hong,

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