VCH Exam and Review Classes

Exam: Virginia Certified Horticulturist (VCH)

The VNLA’s Certification Committee is diligently working to update the VCH exam and transition it to Strasz Assessment Systems. Through this partnership, the VCH exam will soon be available at Pearson Vue Testing Centers.

This is an exciting and valuable change. When all is complete, anyone who is ready to take the VCH exam, can simply register to take it on a date and at a time that is most convenient for their schedule!

When further details about the VCH exam availability and registration process is finalized, the information will be posted on this page.

Review Classes: Virginia Certified Horticulturist (VCH)

Review classes for the VCH exam are organized and hosted by Regional Nursery & Landscape Associations, such as:

Central Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association (CVNLA)

Northern Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association (NVNLA)

For more information about VCH review classes, please contact one of the above regional associations.

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