Advocacy & Research Boxwood Blight Info

Boxwood Blight Info

Boxwood Blight Latest News, Updates, BMP’s, Research
– fungicide applications an help protect uninfected plants, but fungicides will not cure plants infected with the disease.


The Boxwood Blight Cleanliness Program utilizes a systems approach to prevent the spread of boxwood blight via nursery stock.

7 BMPs for different clientele groups from growers to retailer, landscapers, and greenery producers, etc. based on the latest info from our research projects. (10/28/15) Dr. Chaun Hong
Virginia Boxwood Blight Task Force website

Boxwood Blight Information Resources

You can find the industry BMPs at

Photo albums of what boxwood blight symptoms look like, what other disorders look like to avoid confusion, and a few pictures of research-in-progress.
Once at the URL above, you have to right click the photo album link and open it up in a new window or tab.
Dr. Kelly Ivors did Boxwood Blight research at NCSU which was funded by the Virginia, North Carolina and West Virginia Nursery & Landscape Associations

In 2012, the VNLA contributed $12,500 as a budget line
item and has contributed another $12,500 for 2013 research

Click here for Dr. Ivors current status report which includes fungicide study results and extensive links to other resoruces. (1/23/13)

Boxwood blight (also called “box blight” in Europe), caused by the fungal pathogen Cylindrocladium buxicola, was reported for the first time in the U.S. at two North Carolina production nurseries in October, 2011 and a Virginia nursery in November. Boxwoods originating from an infected block of plants at one of the North Carolina nurseries were planted in two production fields in Virginia.
For more info…… from VDACS State Plant Pathologist and VA Tech Disease Lab, Mary Ann Hansen.
.Boxwoods originating from an infected block of plants at one of the North Carolina nurseries were planted in two production fields in Virginia.

• Best Management Practices for Cyulindrocladium Pseudonaviculatum (Boxwood Blight)
by ANLA and HRI 4/13/12
• VA Tech Update Background on the disease, symptoms
• Best Manangement Practices for Avoidance & Mitigation of Box Blight in Wholesale Nurseries
• Best Management Practices for Historical Gardens

Thank you for reading!